2013 Fee Survey

The 2013 ncehsa.org bi-annual fee survey is now complete and available for your use.

Fee survey:  excel spreadsheet version.
Fee survey:  pdf version.

Survey notations:
Participation is down this year. 45% provided data compared to 74%. The suspected rationale is there has been very little changes in fees over the time period.

There are 3 sheets to the Excel spreadsheet version.
1- fees by county:  in a common format, states the associated fees, if any.
2- county report:  reporting status
3- survey journal.

The spreadsheet is saved as a Excel 97-03 format.

The pdf version contains only the fees survey data and not the county reports or survey journal.

As needed for printing, both documents are formatted for legal sized paper.

This document as well as previous surveys are available at ncehsa.org under Library links.